Wo die Wolken Blühen (duration 15')
("where clouds bloom")
ballet in four scenes
Choreographed by Robert Maytas, staged and premiered at Hochschule für Musik und Tanz, Cologne in 2004
"Wo die Wolken Blühen" is an exploration of love and temptation. Main character, a young man goes through four stages, being thrown between different women. It seems event the love of his life turns out not to be who he thought she was. For him there is no such place as paradise, where the clouds bloom.
Third movement, Adagio is a short, captivating piece for voice and cello. It gives freedom in exploring the beauty of movements and lines.
Euridice. Pas-de-deux (duration 10')
“Euridice” was inspired by a play by a distinguished French writer Jean Anouilh.Love, romance, beauty, doubt, death- these are the topics explored in both the original play and the musical piece.
The piece consists of three major parts: slowly developing sensual first one, doubting middle part , slow conclusion ("walk to heaven")

"The Greatcoat", ballet in one act (duration 45 min)
Based on the mystical story by a Russian author Nikolai Gogol.
The ballet opens up a possibility of working in a grotesque style with a touch of mysticism together with contrasting emotions of a deep sorrow for a lonely, poor man.
The story talks about a very poor clerk Akakiy Akakievitch Bashmachkin, who needs a new greatcoat, as his old one is completly worn out. He dedicates his life to saving every cent for the sake of a new coat. The day of the new coat's delivery is one of the happiest days in his life. Alas- the very same night he is robbed, the overcoat is gone.
Akakiy is ill out of sorrow, he passes away. A few days later several inhabitants of St-Petersburg are terrified by a wandering ghost, who "hunts people on the streets in need of revenge.” (read the full story here)
I imagine the main character clerk Akakiy being followed through the entire ballet by the impersonalized Greatcoat. It is the greatcoat which brought to him the greatest happiness of his life- and caused his death.

Dreams At The Sea. ballet in one act (duration 40').
Based on "The Little Mermaid " by H-Ch. Andersen
The original story by Andersen is a truly sad, exquisite novel about love and self -sacrificing. There isn’t a happy end. Prince decides to marry another Princess. On the evening of the wedding the Little Mermaid has a choice of killing her true love and turning back into a Mermaid or dying by the sun dawn, turning into a sea foam. The love of the Little Mermaid is so sincere and deep, that she decides to die. Read the full story here.
Andersen's novel is full of sophisticated beauty- and such should be the ballet. Both children and their parents would be very moved by this very serious, touching story.
The ballet follows rather a classical tradition of lyrical ballets with solos, pas-de-deux, and big scenes.